About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

27 May 2009

hot fun in the summertime

So these little guys were my highly anticipated 2nd session in the Old Market. What a blast!!! Lucky me to have had Jen stumble across my work one day....the rest is history. I admire this woman. She is not only mother of 5 munchkins, but also teaches them to read and write, is a Master Organizer Extraordinaire, and can plan ahead better than any boyscout. She is the reason why the session went so smoothly. The only melt-downs were the melty, messy ice cream cones at the end. Thank you so much, guys, for letting me into your world! I loved every minute. click HERE to see there slideshow! Their password is icecream

kids from L to R: Macy 8, Ella 6, Laynee 2 1/2, Solomon & Samson 22 months.

I think this should advertise something...cuteness, perhaps? this one is my absolute fav.

Can't forget about our "new best friend!" This harmonica player showed up at the strangest times. He just wouldn't leave us alone. Gotta love the Old Market.

the whole fam..
i scream you scream... what a mess. They are very sober ice cream eaters. I guess they treated it like they had a job to do. Finish the ice cream before it liquified. Uh.... better luck next time. Man, they were STICKY messes. Totally worth it.

"yours looks bigger than mine."


  1. Oh, Stacy! These are so amazing! You have really captured my *treasures* so well! Thank you. I don't even know what else to write except I cannot wait to see them all and i've alredy pointed about 1,000,000 people to your blog! :o)

  2. Wow Stacy - These previews pics are really great! You were such a delight to work with, and are a true master of your craft! I think you did an exc4ellent job selecting locations, being visually creative and artistic, and really capturing our children as *we* know them! You are also one of the hardest working photographers I've seen as well, and really know how to capture your vision!!
