About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

30 April 2009

love this

I believe I have stumbled upon a whole FAMILY of models. Keep rolling out those gorgeous kids, Kelli and Wes! I'm so excited about this pic, I can't even begin to tell you. Even E is acting "model-ish." Right before I took it, I said "Okay...no smiles! Just be serious...." and look what came of it! : )

baby Shea

One of my oldest friends, Amber, just had her second baby...meet Shea. She has tons of hair and is very quiet and peaceful in her sleep. Big sis Avery just loves her to death and she calls her "my Shea." awwwww how cute is that?! Here are some fav's... I am a fan of the black and white.

29 April 2009

Masie and Mo

Our neighbors and good friends up the street just got two cutie puppies. They are named Guinness and Hefe. They are so adorable...and the girls are too! ha ha ha I am such a dog lover. Check out these gorgeous girls...

Mo looks EXACTLY her mama....

28 April 2009

a few more of Riley (aka "milk mustache")

Riley's mama is a nurse at the clinic. She's been anticipating a few more "sneak peaks" for days, now... so here go! This is for you, Lex....
Look at those LOOOOOOng eyelashes. Completely wasted on a boy!
(only kidding...their son is gorgeous)
kiss from mommy


Meet Payton. He just turned 6 years old recently and he is a ALL boy. He loves to keep busy...he darted from one thing to another...I really had to step it up a notch to keep up. Thank goodness for fast shutters. ; ) We took some pics at the Nature Barn at Cottonmill, which was my first time shooting there and I love it!...sign said "CLOSED," but oopsie...we disobeyed and got great pics! Don't tell on us. Here are some favs.....
he wasn't sure he could make it all the way---he suprised himself.
the longest amount of time he stood still: 3.1 seconds.

He loved my little airplane...I drew him a runway with sidewalk chalk. Then I asked if he could make it fly and he proceeded to throw it into the woods.

27 April 2009

beautiful "B"

This was on my OLD blog, but Becky said she missed it...so here is a "re-post" for ya Beck! : ) Miss ya!
We took these on a girl's night out...first we drank a pitcher of the perfect peach margarita's at San Pedro...then pigged out on our huge dinners. Alisha had just gotten her boot, so walking down the hill was tough for her (especially after the margaritas), but we managed to make it across the street. Our lovely neighbors let us use there little dock/gazebo on the lake to take a couple pics...I dug the location, but the ducks didn't dig us. They actually didn't like us there at all. See--they paddled over to begin with, but then they realized we didn't have any bread. But, we got some great pics! Don't I have beautiful friends?! : )

26 April 2009

Hi. I'm only 4 years old and I am a model.

This weekend was so fun! Got to dance, sleep in, dance, and photograph one completely adorable family. The weather was pretty bad at times, so needless to say it was necessary to reschedule my Saturday sessions. But the weather was great by today! This is their only daughter and she has the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen! So jealous. We went to Cottonmill for some and downtown for some...here are some favorites of mine (I couldn't resist!)

Her brothers had lost ALL interest in letting me take their picture by this point........oh well! Guess that just means more of gorgeous Alyse!

From stacyideusphotography-the blog

Oh---and did I mention she has a twin?! That's him...isn't he handsome?

25 April 2009

who me?

What are ya lookin' at me for? i didn't have any milk....
more to come soon on this cutie....

23 April 2009

Tate's turn, again!

Tate is so photogenic....such pretty eyes. Here are some of the fam having fun in the yard----PRE-Tate's birthday party. And now Mr. Tate has been two for a whole week. Looks good on him! : )

22 April 2009

I scream, you scream

My inbox is piling up soooo bad this week! Laundry, pics, emails, party planning... ahhh! How will I get everything done?! But I had to join the girls out for ice cream after work today to celebrate Administrative Professional's Day. They work so hard everyday! They are the ones that deal with the crabby patients the most. They are the ones that get the "stink eye" the most when the doc is running far behind....and believe me, the doctors are far behind A LOT. So THANKS to you ladies! You make our lobby a happy lobby : )

21 April 2009

Jacob + Aubrey

Meet Jacob and Aubrey. They are our God children (my cousin's kiddos), they live in Lincoln and we don't get to see them very much...makes me sad. We love those funny little guys so much! We took these on the day before Easter at my Aunt and Uncle's house (they live just a block from us)...it was soooo cold and windy that they had to blow their bubbles into Grandma and Grandpa's bathtub. They didn't let that bother them, though. And Jacob was very excited about the two new additions to my hat collection. : ) He plays a mean game of "keep-away."
From stacyideusphotography-the blog

20 April 2009

new look for my blog

Hi! You may have noticed a change in my blog! : ) It's more colorful and fun....many many hours at the computer, but I FINALLY worked it out. Enjoy! And if you leave me a comment sometime, you've made my day!

Rodney + Whitney

What he just whispered in her ear just then, we will never know......

From stacyideusphotography-the blog