About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

26 January 2010


My husband is a prime example of why thirty-year-olds should NOT be playing an intense basketball game one night a week and callin' it "good." Why you ask? Last Thursday night I get a random call from a number I don't know telling me to come pick up my husband because he thinks he blew his knee out. Awesome. That's exactly what I said. Next call to one of my "bosses" who kindly met us at our clinic. Taking xrays afterhours is weird. Surgery was next day--- now I've been playing nurse to this poor guy who has to keep his leg straight x 2 months. Lord grant us patience! Is it bad if one of his Valium turns of missing? kidding kidding ; )

21 January 2010

the hot girl. aka sara

this girl is the highlight of my month.
this girl belongs on a billboard.
this girl is hott. yeah. she gets two tees.

com'mon SPRING

What's with this fog? Makes me nervous. The farmers always say that 90 days after a fog, something's bound to fall from the sky. So far... I've been paying attention and it's true. Guess we're in for a wet spring. I feel so badly that I haven't blogged lately. Not that I've totally not been at my desk-- I've been designing a lot of press print products lately. Love it : ) I still feel a disconnect, though.
So what I've been up to this year so far:
Watching my favorite show...Project Runway.
Training for the half marathon in May.
Cooking dinner and actually eating on time. (HUGE change from my busy season "grab-a cheese stick-and diet coke-as-I run-out-the-door-because-I'm-late-for-a-session diet.)
And speaking of food, this always makes me laugh..... I have a weight-loss goal. -10 lb by my bday. We'll see.....

16 January 2010

miss S - sneak peek

WHAT a beautiful day. What did it get up to? 50? Amazing for January. Amazing for me! DYING to shoot something---ANYTHING! Lucky lucky me... miss S let me have my way with her for four hours this afternoon.
My new Canon 5D Mark ii loves her. And so do I. : ) xoxo
many many many more to come

14 January 2010

baby G number 1

OMG. It's been so long since I've blogged that I nearly forgot my own passwords. Geez. Guess I need to kick into high gear! So here is the full post of Miss Bronwyn. So pretty....and actually really sleepy...but only in the pics! Seems like she was awake more than this. haha Oh well. That's really 90% of what these little ones do, isn't it? Tried some new finishes on a few, too. You likey? :)

Always knew Justin would make a good Daddy---

04 January 2010

baby B sneak peek

I'd like to introduce baby Bronwyn born in December--- product of our good friends Brandi and Justin : ) Got to spend a whole lot of hours with her on Saturday. She's perfect. Can't wait to post more.