About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

31 May 2009


I had such a relaxing day! A total slacker day. I'm talkin' 2 naps and movie watching all day. Oh yeah...and fried chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner. It wasn't as productive as it should have been, but it was nice to spend the day with my hubby for a change. : )

So here is Nick and Jes. I love their funky style. Jes is a stylist at Bang and that's how we met. In fact, I've loved her style since the first time I saw her and I asked THEM if I could take some pics of them. They graciously said yes and here is what we came up with! I actually didn't do much. They turned out to be great models. It was damn hot that evening, so we had to break in the middle for a cold beer. Worth it, though! Yes...here they are. : ) My fun-loving rockstars.

as it turns out, Jes is EXTREMELY ticklelish. Even the word "tickle" makes her giggle. he he he

Here I go breaking all the rules again.... made me so nervous to take pics on the tracks (eventhough these tracks aren't in use, I don't think). Every car that passed I was so paranoid that I'd be arrested. Gotta live dangerously once in a while, right?

Jes's folks have the most amazing property on the edge of town. It's a little piece of Heaven ...and yup! I got the green light to take other sessions here! : ) yipppeeee!!!!

The hammock was icing on the cake. If anyone would like pics with it, just let me know so I can call the boss ahead of time!

We were just walking to the car and this big old tree got mentioned. I had a light bulb turn on over my head just like in the cartoons.... for this pic! What do ya think? The sun was setting and it was perfection.

my hats

I'm a sucker for hats. Any size, any shape, any color. Here are the top 10 reasons why I love hats:
1. They add character to nearly anyone's portrait.
2. They highlight faces.
3. They can tame hair on the windy Nebraska days that we all know and love.
4. They add color.
5. They add texture.
6. It's fun to play dress up for those of you who don't normally wear hats.
7. Keeps ticks away when we are into tall grasses, as icky as that sounds!
8. They keep your head warm during fall and winter portrait sessions.
9. They hide bald spots.
10. And finally, because it gave me a reason to photograph these cuties!!!

These are hats from my collection. My idea behind this post is for those of you who like hats, but maybe don't want to own hats just for a photo. That's where my "hat basket" comes in to play. I carry it with me to most sessions. If you see a hat you like, you may want to even plan an outfit around it. That's all. Just showin off my hats. : )

....not hats of course, but same effect. : )

Callie said she felt like a kitty cat wearing this hat....

And a big thank you to Madeline, Callie, and Carson for being so cute! ...and a little candy bribe never hurts....

27 May 2009

hot fun in the summertime

So these little guys were my highly anticipated 2nd session in the Old Market. What a blast!!! Lucky me to have had Jen stumble across my work one day....the rest is history. I admire this woman. She is not only mother of 5 munchkins, but also teaches them to read and write, is a Master Organizer Extraordinaire, and can plan ahead better than any boyscout. She is the reason why the session went so smoothly. The only melt-downs were the melty, messy ice cream cones at the end. Thank you so much, guys, for letting me into your world! I loved every minute. click HERE to see there slideshow! Their password is icecream

kids from L to R: Macy 8, Ella 6, Laynee 2 1/2, Solomon & Samson 22 months.

I think this should advertise something...cuteness, perhaps? this one is my absolute fav.

Can't forget about our "new best friend!" This harmonica player showed up at the strangest times. He just wouldn't leave us alone. Gotta love the Old Market.

the whole fam..
i scream you scream... what a mess. They are very sober ice cream eaters. I guess they treated it like they had a job to do. Finish the ice cream before it liquified. Uh.... better luck next time. Man, they were STICKY messes. Totally worth it.

"yours looks bigger than mine."


I love this job so much! I get to meet such cool people. And when I say cool, I mean it! This little family was the nicest you'll ever meet. Brad and Katy are high school sweethearts and are such a cute couple. They love to have fun (it woulda been fun to order your 32 oz bloody mary BEFORE our session, huh, Katy?!) But seriously, it was one of the best sessions ever. We were in the Old Market in Omaha...we experienced the sites, smells, and dead birds of the city streets. I will do just about anything for a great photo! Including laying on broken glass to get just the perfect angle. I have yet to cute myself, though. : ) Here are some fav's..... can't wait to edit the rest.

I LOVE this door. Unfortunately I wasn't loving the light. While we waited for the clouds to roll over, they sported their shades for a fun pic.

You guys are gorgeous.

okay....doesn't she look just like a little mini Katie Holmes?