About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

31 July 2009

BIG project= DONE!

Hip HIp HoRaY! My new site is up and launched and fully functional now! : ) Thanks, Harold! Some new things: extra BIG pics, songs per gallery, and can I say the pics are so big, you're not gonna want to skip the floss! Also, once you browse, you may notice one other change...previously I allowed 1-2 locations for a lifestyles (couples, families, children) session. I now allow just one fabulous location. It's awfully tiring to parade all over town. I feel that by staying put, we can stay relaxed and have a smoother-running session overall. And smooth=awesome pics! If you are already scheduled and have your heart set on 2, I will oblige. Click RIGHT HERE to check out the new me. I'd love to hear your thoughts because I worked really hard on it....I think I deserve a popcicle. : )


Get a load of this gorgeous girl....scratch that! Gorgeous WOMAN! Kim--- your baby is all grown up and she is a knock out! I had so much fun with you guys.... great lighting, great location, great clothes. We even got to witness a crime. See--we kept moving this bike out of our way. We thought it was weird that this brand spankin new bike was amongst all the rusty car parts, but whatever. Then low and behold, towards the end of our session near dusk, this punk 10 year old came suspicisously over by the junk heap. He rode off into the sunset with that bike, but we're pretty sure it wasn't his. Punk. But Taylor---seriously, girl. You are fabulous and don't ever let anyone tell you differently. Enjoy! : )

29 July 2009

tanner and chas + their baby bear

Wicked strange weather this night.... first it was humid as all get out. Then it decided to be sunny---then in started raining while the sun was shining, then we had to get in the car after hiding under awnings downtown. Kendal didn't care too much for the heat, so a car-ride was definately in order. So after about a mile of driving and 15 minutes of Nemo=happy camper. And it turns out she loves music. She's definately gonna be in a band at some point in her life. Chas and Tanner were singing song after song and she just lit up. Chas--you sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" so beautifully...eventhough you may disagree. : ) Enjoy your sneak peak!

Here, I thought being so near the trains would really freak her out... but not a bit.

this sequence makes me laugh... : )

28 July 2009

franklin scramble

This week is so great so far... one day off, 2 more to go. : ) Golfed tonight...not so good. But you betcha we had fun! I hit my brownie club good, though..... fyi, my "brownie club" is my nickname for my 7 wood. I called it that because it came from ebay with a poop-brown head cover. My husband is trying to sneak it out of my bag--he thinks this club is too short for me---but it's my fav club. It's my perfect 75 yarder. He did the same thing with this garage-sale, putt-putt golf putter I had. I expressed how much I loved it and he proceded to tell me he was embarrassed of that club and replaced it with one of his hand-me-downs. Cleaning the basement not too long ago I found the stupid thing leaning in a stud in the wall. Ha ha! It still exsists!!!

And here are some fun pics from Saturday. If you've never golfed in Franklin, NE, I rate this course high. It's just a 9 hole, but so cute. Lots of trees! ( I lost 6 balls Saturday alone, ugh.) This is our fourth year playing... every year we try to make it better. We even bring "chick food" in our coolers. Like this year I made some yummy lemon bars and Jodi made these cute Ham sammies (which we never did eat btw). We came in fourth in the 3rd flight...again--UGH. But worth it. Kelli got flag prize for longest drive *hence the cartwheel* and all the while the boys went mudding with the four wheelers at Harlan. We joined them after our meal for some R&R. GREAT day! Thanks Rob and Jodi for having us!

27 July 2009

BIG project ahead...

I'm so glad I have 3 days off of the clinic this week (I love it when docs are out!). Reason being is that I'm working on a mega huge project...my butt is very sore from sitting at my desk because today was my long-haul work day, but so worth it. It will impact all! But you betcha I'm keepin it a secret for now.... he he he My "project" is set to launch in T-3 days.

'M' family--part deux

After the thunderstorm passed, they went home to towel off and blow-dry and decided they were up for round 2! They look even cuter dry, don't they? Not so cold, anyhow. ha ha Enjoy your TWO sneak peaks, Ash! Can't wait for Wednesday....

i love this one...

.... off to "gramma's"

'M' family--part I

The mother of this family is Ashly. She and I met, gosh...what's it been.... 2 years ago, now? Or was it just last fall? I dunno... but anyways, we met in the photog world 'cause she's a photographer, too! We are kind of yin and yang. She does inside, I do outside... wanna be my business partner? ha ha ha She is so down to earth and I just adore her family! So when we met downtown, the weather looked weird. Real weird. Doppler didn't look so good, either. But we charged full speed ahead, anyway...schedule conflicts just didn't allow for a reschedule. SOOOO needless to say, we got rained on. And poured on. And everything in-between'd on. Cold, wet, and did I mention wet? So was my camera! We had fun, though! I hope the kiddos appreciated their little galavant in the puddles.....stay tuned for the "drier" portion of our session....

...at this point Kenzie was in a rain trance....lol she was sooo cold!

24 July 2009

funky clouds

Well this week wasn't even too crazy and I feel like I didn't get much done... Monday night I was actually domestic and made a meal for a change (the in-laws came bearing fresh veggies, so we were kinda forced to eat in our own kitchen). Tuesday night I had golf league and Marsha and I dominated. Wednesday-Thursday-Today had sessions and tomorrow...the day I've been looking forward to alllll summer loooong! A 4 lady golf scramble. It's always always on the hottest day of the year. GREAT excuse to knock down cold one after cold one. I really just can't wait. But what would a blog post be without a photo? Check out these funky clouds from tonight. (FOrgot to mention that my family on Wednesday night.... totally DRENCHED in the rain! A blog on that lata) But I took this right as we finished. It's pretty beautiful if you're not caught in it. Such strange weather this week.

23 July 2009

jovie at 9 months

Oh...it was so good to see Jovie and look at how much she has grown! I last saw her for 6-month pics and she isn't much bigger, but she sure is "talking" a lot more. I wish you could hear her squeal. I just love her to death. Like before, she came with her "personal assistant" (aka Grandma) and Mommy and Daddy....plus a well-stocked wardrobe. We had a great time playing dress up. Weather was absolutely gorgeous and the company couldn't have been better, either. Can't wait to take one-year pics in a few months. Oh---and this baby ROCKS HATS and HEADBANDS! (she actually leaves them on!) : )

21 July 2009

andy and emily +2

Fun on the farm! I love this family.... from the moment they picked me up to drive to the country. Have you ever seen 2 boys look any more like their Daddy?! Jaxson (3) and Oliver (1). Jaxson is a very sweet little guy... but 100% boy. He loved the dirt. And he has very big feet! Oliver, on the other hand, is just learning to walk. I'm sure as soon as he masters it...he will be helping Jaxson make mudpies. Such a small world, too. Andy and Emily live an hour and a half away and drove all the way to K town just for me to take thier pics. *blush* And as it turns out... Andy knows Ward (the owner of this farm) from back in the day. Needless to say, we enjoyed a few cold ones after our session. It was a great Friday night! Enjoy your sneak peak!