About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

31 May 2010

stacie--model session

Adjectives to describe this girl.... sweet, polite, tall, GORGEOUS, creative... [the hair across the face was totally her, btw]. totally hott. And you may ask yourself how we met. How we met is not important---it's important that we found the only lady in the bar who had a pen and I got her number. Yeah---I'm braggin that I got her number. haha Stacie--I had a blast. Let's take the ol' Canon out for a spin again. Cool? Be sure to check out her gallery HERE.

29 May 2010

vote for me!

Vote for me! If you think I'm deserving, this photo could be a cover on Professional Photographer magazine.
Click HERE. just type 'stacy ideus' into the search box. You're awesome.

sheana + cody model session: Part 1

Well here it is. My model session with the stunning Sheana and studly Cody. They've been dating for a while now and living in Kansas.... but I feel the need to say that Cody was hesitant and resitant when he recieved that first text from Sheana about my proposition. You see---a bunch of us got together over beers at Thunderhead one night in February after work when Sheana was back visiting we had this great idea for a springtime vintage-y shoot. [if you remember the lovely Sheana from last summer with her and her sis] We had so much fun and she photographs so wonderfully.... I just had to get her in front of the lens again. So back to Cody--- Having never met him and everything.... he still agreed. His payoff? We packed a cooler and had a gay ol' time. Not with soda, either. In the country on a Saturday evening in the company of this fun-loving, sexy couple. Now that's what I call a beautiful success story. Make sure to check out their galleries! Thank you so much S + C for doing such a great job shopping and happily doing anything I asked of you. Hugs and kisses X 1,000,000.

sheana + cody model session: Part 2

more yumminess....

28 May 2010

bailey sneaky peak

Lots of exciting stuff to post! I'm all wiggily from anticipation!!! Falling a tad behind, but with the holiday Monday I hope to be all caught up before vaca. Fingers crossed......
Here's a sneak peak of Miss Bailey to tide you over. Happy Friday!

27 May 2010


Oh these two yay-hoos. We had us some fun.
I first knew Rachel as just a voice on the phone. Then we met for reals and the rest is history!
Rachel.....when you grow tired of that tank----- I WANT IT!

26 May 2010

backlit angels

Children on a farm at sunset. They look so angelic.....and so does their Mommy!

25 May 2010

don't you love it

Don't you just love it when you're walking along feeling the spring air.....listening to the birds chirp.....the sweet smell of grass... and you stumble upon a sleeping baby. Because it's natural to find a naked baby napping in a laundry basket. haha

HAD to post more pics of baby Rigs. Our Grandma made this quilt for him.
First great-grandbaby and we just adore him.