About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

07 September 2009

bailey: the queen of awesome

Ahhh! Bailey! Be still my heart. I love this girl---I know I say that a lot, but I'm fairly confident in saying that she's my favorite senior to date. I don't think I've ever met a more grounded, mature 17 year old. Ever. Very sure of who she is and what she wants to be (a vet : ) And gorgeous to boot. And she has a whole family of awesome, too. Kristi--amazing. Little bro--amazing...and thanks for handling the ponies for us...and the gates...and for being on bucket patrol. Couldn't have achieved such beauty without you guys. Especially since they scouted out this sweet barn location for me. So sit back, and enjoy beautiful Bailey. Queen of awesome.


  1. Wow... those are breathtaking!

  2. Stacy Ideus, you are AMAZING and these photos are FANTASTIC!! We have a BEAMING 17 year old model and a TEARY EYED mom viewing these captured moments...what a wonderful day and photographer. These are everything we invisioned and more! THANK YOU!!! :)
    Bailey and Kristi
