About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

03 February 2011

free session giveaway! [that's right...FREE!]

as most women know, valentines day is upon us. traditionally, its a special national holiday to express how you feel to the one you love most with flowers and cards. i am so blessed and appreciate my husband every single day of the year... we've been married for nearly eight years and been through a lot together. good times and not so good times [like my parent's divorce and his knee surgery to name a couple!] and this move and being apart has made me miss him soooo much. i am feeling ooey gooey in love today especially and have decided to offer a FREE mini couples session to one deserving couple. [see details below]
just because i think kids, mortgages, and daily life can interfere with taking time with your spouse.
make your marriage number one and you can conquer all. good luck!

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