About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

14 March 2011


so... moving is terribly stressful...isn't it?! here it is... my first 'official' day at my dream job [to you newbies, i've been juggling BIG time the last few years and i finally am able to do photography FULL time] and it's all stress, stress, stress. i shouldn't say my job is stressful, just what's happening around me. we move on friday and i'm scrambling to pack, throw in a few sessions, MAJOR strides to edit before my computer goes in a box... all the while trying to cure one of the dog's ear infection. gross. needless to say, blogger, we need a break. but fear not folks, it's not 'goodbye....'  just 'see you soon." i'm working on a NEW blog [lots of work, but i gotta cut the cord on this guy] and a NEW house in a new place. can't hardly wait. : )
something to tide you over for a couple weeks... LOTs more to come on these beauts!

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