About Me

I am a natural light, vintage-inspired photographer serving Eastern and Central Nebraska. I photograph babies, children, seniors, couples, and families. Sorry, no weddings. Each session offers a unique experience shot on location and rich in character. Here you will find my recent work, as well as all news and updates regarding my schedule. And attention you lurkers out there! yeah.... you know who you are....make yourself known once in a while! Hearing from you makes my day ;)

02 October 2009

need a suit?

So THIS little boy is Dominic. Who maybe looks like a little go-getter, but in reality, he is actually the most polite 3 year old I know! And could he sell suits, or what?! Tried to get some "boy-sitting-in-the-alley-looking sad-with suspenders" pics, but this little guy decided to get sick right at the end...hence the extreme pout (the last pics in this post).....not like throw-up pukey sick, but a sore throat. Don't worry---I'm certain we will get these suspenders on him again in spring. Take 2.....

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